Friday, May 24, 2013

Farming is a painful business.

We're getting ready for our first farmers market tomorrow morning at the Delaware Downtown Market in Delaware, Ohio.  We've been harvesting all afternoon and evening, gathering salad greens (our beautiful Red Buttercrunch, pictured bottom right--yum!), fresh herbs, tomato plants, some gorgeous carrots, and assorted odds and ends of produce.  Here's Bryan cutting salad mix:
We've been fretting all day, though, about this frost and cold temps that are predicted across Ohio for the next few nights.  O, the horror!  We covered our beautiful (and still green) strawberries with miles of row cover, placed pots and straw and row cover over all 185 tomato plants and the nearly 60 pepper plants that we blithely planted, thinking, "Tra-la-la, there's NO WAY we're going to have a frost now!"  Sure.  Fingers crossed, say a prayer, maybe we'll come through all right.  Look at the garden tonight:


1 comment:

  1. great produce, great tattoo on your arm. and your daughters cookies are fabulous
